18 July 2009

Graduation Day

Finally, after long years of coffee-enhanced consciousness and drenching on stress of school requirements and examinations, I'm finally finished. Today was my graduation. At first, I plan on treating the supposedly overrated occasion just like any other day. For someone who avoids celebrating one's birthday, this should be easy. Besides, I felt neither a small ounce of joy nor and shred of satisfaction I graduated from high school.

But I felt obligated to involve myself. For one thing, my parents, particularly my mom, wanted me to go. Probably, the reason why she is adamant about this is because she was not able to join her graduation. She always say that it is part of the college experience. It will be a big lost on my part, something that I may never get back. My I-don't-give-a-damn facade will be put to another test.

Along the ceremony, I somehow felt the graduation spirit enveloping me, gradually turning me into a cap-throwing graduate. I do not know what or who caused it; perhaps it was the speech of one of the graduates, the mere fact that my family is watching me, or just the environment I was in. The bottom line, I feel overjoyed.

As I write this, I continually have flashes of my college years like the first time I failed an exam to my first 4.0 grade. It has been a fun and fulfilling experience.

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