27 March 2009

Opportunities in life

I'm a firm believer of opportunities. If there is one thing that separates the successful "luckies"from the unfortunate losers, its the number of opportunities they have collected. One can argue that hard work or natural talent is the main reason why humans achieve better quality of life. I'm not discounting either of the two; however, compared to once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, both don't come even close.

Opportunities breed opportunities. It is therefore up to us to firmly grasp the small opening of the uncertainty.

This reminds of the speech given by Steve Jobs. He stated that experiences are like dots and that connecting these life experience would produce something glorious.

As "high-IQ'ed" morons, people try to come up with the whole picture without actually going through the series of happiness, fullfilments, disappointments, fiascos and the occassional idiotic ideas. This is the opposite of what life should be.

Commit smart mistakes; take acceptable risks; commit to complexities; say yes. Living is the act of painting and life is the masterpiece. As paint is applied to the canvas, so is life filled with new realization. It would be a tradegy to look back and see a few semi-perfect dots and a couple of baby-drawn lines.

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