18 March 2009

Lightning Inspirations

Inspirations are like lightnings; it hold an insane amount of electricity but dissipates in a matter of microseconds. The moment something cool or extremely foolish comes to mind, I almost always start the job. Some tasks would require less time while others are plain impractical if not impossible.

The most difficult part is keep the energy, the passion to continue pain-in-the-ass undertaking. I am unfortunate to lack the skills in storing the electricity of inspiration, and the thing is there is no guaranteed way to improve on that. It will take a strong will to reach the end of a once interesting piece of work.

And to the lucky few who are able to accumulate excessive amount of inspirations and channel it, get out.

I was inspired to assemble my first computer. The last 2 desktops I have went puff. Here is my Intel D945GCLF2.

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