Floccinaucinihilipilification is the act of describing something worthless...
Antidisestablishmentarianism is some sort of political position...
...and Titin is just a big practical joke by the scientific community.
Although I could put its chemical name here, it would be moronic move for my part. For starters, having 189,819 characters, its not exactly a readable post. I tried "copy-pasting" it to MS word and the name occupied 79 pages. That length is comparable to an engineering thesis documentation I copied from a friend.
I can only imagine what happened at the lab that day.
It was a triumphant day for a group of scientist from University of Hoocares who, after years of intensive research, has finally identified the largest known protein yet. Wearing his worn down lab gown and dusty glasses, Dr. X, the research head, said that "...the identification of the protein Titin can help scientific and medical research of muscle dystrophy." The protein, popularly called Titin, is somehow related to muscles. However whats more interesting is its chemical name. When asked about the protein's chemical name, Dr. X simply replied, "The original name is suppose to be Methionylthreony but in my personal opinion, the simplicity of the name does not represent the gravity of the discovery. Then I said to myself, it would be really really cool to have a very very long chemical name. So, with the help of my 3 year old daughter, we sat in front of a computer until supper and totally reinvented the name. It was an awesome experience"Indeed, they added just a few characters. And the finish product, a freaking 189,819 letter chemical name.
Now, I know they would not name something that long without a good reason and I bet its a pretty good one too. But just imagine how long before they were able to type that.
Oh and what about proof reading. Surely it was a more evil bitch.
By the way, Titin's chemical name can be found here.
OMG i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............................................. Now im over you were through