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- Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers
- Tomcat 6 binary distribution (or what's on production)
- Java 1.6 (or what's on production)
Environment Setup
- Setup eclipse
- Setup the Installed JREs
- Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs. Select Add if a JRE is not yet configured.
- Select Standard VM in the JRE Type window and click Next.
- Populate the JRE Home field with the location of your Java installation.
- Setup Server Runtime Environment.
- Window > Preferences > Server > Runtime Environments. Select Add if a Tomcat Server is not yet configured.
- Select Apache > Apache Tomcat v.6.0 in New Service Runtime Environment. Click Next.
- Set the Tomcat installation directory to the location of the Tomcat binary distribution folder.
- Select the right JRE.
- Check out the customer project
- Open the SVN Repository Exploring Perspective (Window > Open Perspective > SVN Repository Exploring)
- Right click on the SVN Repositories view > New > Repository Location...
- Enter https://svn.... in the URL field and enter in Authentication info.
- A new repository location should appear in the SVN Repositories view. Right click the repository and select Check Out.
- This action will checkout the project into your workspace.
- Once
done, return to the Java EE perspective and ensure a new project named
"customer-portal" is in your Package Explorer (or Project Explorer)
- Exclude Eclipse resource files (.settings
folder, .project file, .classpath file) and /build folders from SVN to
prevent from being checked in (especially the /build folder).
- First,
determine if you can see the resource files by expanding the
customer-portal project. If you can see them, skip the next step.
- If
you cannot see the resource files, in the Package Explorer view, click
on the View Menu button (it's a white arrow pointing down, next to the
package explorer's Collapse All, Link with Editor, Minimize, Maximize
controls), and select Resources...
- Deselect .*resources from the Select the elements to exclude from the view box.
- Click OK. The resources files should now appear in the package explorer view
- Select
the three resource files (.settings folder, .project file, .classpath
file) and right click > Team > Add to svn:ignore...
- Select OK.
- Do
the same for the /build folder (if it does not exist yet, create the
folder "build" in the root of the customer-portal project).
- A question mark should appear in the folder indicating that it's not version controlled.
- Right click the folder > Team > Add to svn:ignore. Click OK.
- Load the project's build file
- Open the Ant view by selecting Window > Show View > Ant
- Expand the customer-portal project and locate build.xml file
- Drag and drop the build file onto the Ant view.
- The build file should now appear in the view, which once expanded shows a list of all tasks in the build file.
- Confirm
the environment is setup correctly by running sandbox-war or
production-war, and that the war files appear under /build (a refresh F5
might be needed to show the folders).