24 August 2010

I think I'm maturing...

A CAC triggered an involuntary, or more appropriately, unwanted growth spur in my delicate and slow maturity.  Knowing that eventually, all these will lead to something greater, I feel contented with where I am right now... then CAC!

I guess it will one of those moments where I would look back and say to myself, this was an important time of my life. This is where revolution started. As all triggers are, temporary, instantaneous, so will CAC be; a force that pushed me into the next step without any regard to my preferred pace.

Nonetheless, I am grateful. Who would have thought that a mere CAC can do all these things. Though I wish the next time this happens, it will be less of a trigger and more of a tug.

PS: The saying "Ignorance is bliss" is so true. Trust me.

PS(2): New laptop in 2 weeks = Stracraft 2. Woohoo!!!